Building on every resource for values and success beyond.

"Education has the power to change lives. Equity is possible when teachers support it." With this belief, 'Arm' – Suriya Manatsa became a Teach For Thailand Leadership Fellow in cohort 3. Aspiring to become a teacher, having learned about the Leadership Program Arm realized its goals aligned with his vision: promoting change and equity in education.

     The journey of a Fellow is not without challenges, but Arm’s unwavering dedication as an educator had led to his students gradually opening up to him. “When my students confide in me, and I actively listen, they begin to share their challenges. They trust that I won’t judge and will be ready to assist them with their difficulties. Consequently, I can identify their barriers and help overcome them.”

     “Everyone faces different hurdles. Sometimes my students think and act differently from me, but as educators, it’s crucial to approach them with an open mind and try to understand their perspectives. Ultimately, this enables us to address their issues effectively. This principle applies not only to students but to everyone in my life, including my colleagues. It enhances my understanding of others and helps us work better together.”

     Arm identified a significant obstacle in Thai education: students’ lack of self-confidence. Various external factors and challenges shape this mindset, hindering their personal growth. Factors like family income and perceived academic abilities contribute to their fear and pessimism.

     To address this issue, Arm sets a goal to change his students’ attitudes. Instead of reprimanding them for mistakes, he provides second chances, aiming to alleviate anxiety surrounding tasks.

     “When someone asks what kind of teacher I am, I always say I’m the type who believes in my students. If we trust them, they will trust themselves too and have the drive to improve.”

     Moreover, teachers’ job satisfaction directly impacts their teaching and consequently, their students. Improving planning, implementing systematic work management, and enhancing welfare can boost teacher motivation and, in turn, benefit students.

     Educational inequality persists as a national challenge. While socioeconomic factors influence students’ education and lives, teachers play a crucial role in shaping their future.

     “We can provide opportunities for them, nurture their growth, and leverage their existing resources to support their goals. We can explore alternative learning methods to maximize their potential and bring them closer to success.”

     “Solving educational problems should ideally begin at the primary level, despite the time investment it may require. This is because primary school is a critical period where students prioritize their relationships with teachers and peers. It’s a time of exploration and new experiences, allowing them to build confidence more rapidly compared to junior or high school. Their perspectives are still developing, making it easier for educators to shape their behavior. In contrast, once students transition to secondary education, the become more socio-emotionally complex. They tend to focus more on themselves and their peer groups, becoming more individualized and often less receptive to teacher intervention.”

     “Addressing these issues during primary school tackles the problem at its roots; waiting until secondary education may be too late.”

     Currently, Arm works as a primary school teacher at Wat Kharuhabodi school in Bangkok, where he strives to create opportunities and support students’ potential for success. It all begins with his unwavering belief in his students.

     Teach For Thailand has been actively researching to expand the Fellow Leadership Program to primary education, aiming to address inequality and foster positive change at its core.

     “We can help students realize their potential and create opportunities for them. All they need is someone to believe in them because everyone deserves an equal chance. If we can be that someone, I believe it’s a valuable experience.”

     Transforming education is a challenging endeavor that demands collaboration, resources, and dedication from all stakeholders. You can contribute to this mission by becoming one of the driving forces behind a better quality of life for children and youth in Thailand through the Fellow Leadership Program. In addition to addressing real-world education challenges, the program offers opportunities for leadership development, valuable experiences, and the creation of a quality network. Together, we can work towards a future where all children and youth in Thailand have equitable access to quality education and the ability to shape their own futures.

Become a Teach For Thailand Fellow cohort 11, here . 

Registration is open until June 16th 2024